This is my blog!
Short entries about anything that is currently on my mind.
Typically written up on the spot within a day.

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Cave Story [>OuO]> (Sep. 16, 2024)

HUZZAH! I am here to talk about one of my favorite games of all time. CAVE STORY!
Released in 2004 (It's gonna be 20 in December!) this little freeware title has rooted itself into my DNA. I discovered it around 2010 when it got a wiiware release. I didn't play the Wiiware release though, I originally played the fan translation of the original freeware version.
To this day I always associate Balrog with "Huzzah" instead of "Oh yeah!" because of this.

I am someone who never got into the Metroid series. I just don't vibe with them, which is why whenever someone asks me "what's your favorite metroid game?" I always just tell them Cave Story. I can't tell you why. Maybe it's the shorter size. Maybe it's the setting. Maybe it's just the overall moment to moment gameplay. Whatever the reason, Cave Story has stood the test of time for me. It's one of those games I could replay every year and still enjoy.

The question is, should YOU play Cave Story? YES! ABSOLUTELY! IT'S NOT EVEN A QUESTION!
It's free, available on a multitude of platforms, and FUN. There is no excuse not to at least give it a try!

Just head on over to the Cave Story Tribute Site's Download Page and find a version that you can play. I'm sure there is some way you can play it. It's on PC, Mobile, Mac, Linux, and ported to a multitude of systems. All free to download and made by the community.

Please enjoy good video games :)

Serial Experiments Lain (Sep. 14, 2024)

Recently watched Lain a week or so ago. It was really good. It's such a strange and interesting world if you allow yourself to learn the rules of it. I've known about Lain for a very long time thanks to fauux's neocities page. [!!!Photosensitive Warning!!!]

It wasn't until recently I watched through the series though. I found a rip of the VHS dub home release on archive and that's how I watched it. It was nice having it broken up into 4 sections, each lasting around an hour to hour and a half.

Huge recommend to anyone looking for an anime that offers strange and intriguing vibes. It's one hell of a ride, especially near the end.